
Wednesday Jul 27, 2016
Pokémon: I Choose You!
Wednesday Jul 27, 2016
Wednesday Jul 27, 2016
Join Lily, Scott, and special guest Hamish, as they embark on an exciting quest in a world of collectible little creatures and watch the very first episode of the hit anime series "Pokémon"! Listen as they breakdown this episode, detailing the story of 10-year-old Ash Ketchum and his quest to become the world's greatest Pokémon master. They'll discuss the history of Pokémon as a franchise, from its concept as a game inspired by insect collecting, and its many Nintendo iterations, to its incredibly long running TV series and current worldwide mobile gaming phenomenon "Pokémon Go"! They'll also talk about the dangerousness of allowing kids to have Pokémon licenses years before drivers' licenses, Ash's somewhat sociopathic tendencies, some differences in the Japanese version, banned episodes and scenes, and many observances of life in a world full off fantastical pocket monsters and the people that must wander alone, trying to train them. So sit back with some snacks and hot chocolate and thank you for saying "Hitting Play, I choose you!"
Follow Hamish on Vine: http://www.vine.co/Silent-Hamish
Follow Hamish on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SilentHamish
Follow Hamish on Tumblr: http://www.silenthamishart.tumblr.com
Please email us at hittingplayshow@gmail.com
Hitting Play on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/HittingPlay
Scott's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MCandFriends
Scott's Vine: http://www.vine.co/MCandFriends
Lily's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Lilipution22
Lily's YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/lilipution22
Lily's Website: http://www.lillainbunyea.com/
Shawn's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Weazel1978
Shawn's YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/3BMMC

Wednesday Jul 20, 2016
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Celebration Reel, Panel, and Teaser Trailer 2)
Wednesday Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday Jul 20, 2016
Join Scott and his special guest, resident Star Wars expert Paul, as they take a look at the newly released footage from the latest offering from the Star Wars franchise: "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story"! Listen, as they breakdown and cover the material released at the Star Wars Celebration Europe event in London! First, they'll breakdown the "Celebration Reel", featuring new footage from the movie, along with behind the scenes looks at the sets and the thoughts of director Gareth Edwards. They'll also discuss what was said by members of the cast at the Celebration panel, and what we now know (and don't know) about their individual characters, and their respective roles in the story. And they'll also discuss some exciting new moments shown in the new teaser trailer, including one huge character reveal! From planets, troopers, and droids to, rumors, news, and plot, they'll cover it all. So countdown the days to the premiere with us, and may the force be with you!
Follow Paul on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MegaLoMeiniac
Please email us at hittingplayshow@gmail.com
Hitting Play on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/HittingPlay
Scott's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MCandFriends
Scott's Vine: http://www.vine.co/MCandFriends
Lily's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Lilipution22
Lily's YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/lilipution22
Lily's Website: http://www.lilianbunyea.com/
Shawn's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Weazel1978
Shawn's YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/3BMMC

Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
The Flash: Pilot
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
Join Shawn and Scott as they discuss and review the pilot episode of the series about crime scene investigator Barry Allen and the freak accident that transformed him into the world's fastest superhero: "The Flash"! Listen as they breakdown every little detail and Easter egg of the episode, from references to DC Comics' New 52, characters from the comics you may have missed, and references to the classic DC storyline "Crisis on Infinite Earths"! They'll also discuss the complicated history of The Flash and the many characters that have taken up the Flash mantle throughout the years in the comic books. Plus, there's some talk about The Arrow and DC's Legends of Tomorrow, and how this shared "Arrowverse" might absorb the new CW acquisition Supergirl! So grab a cup from Jitters, get your helmet strapped on, and listen to the story of the fastest man alive!
Please email us at hittingplayshow@gmail.com
Hitting Play on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/HittingPlay
Scott's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MCandFriends
Scott's Vine: http://www.vine.co/MCandFriends
Lily's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Lilipution22
Lily's YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/lilipution22
Lily's Website: http://www.lilianbunyea.com/
Shawn's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Weazel1978
Shawn's YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/3BMMC

Wednesday Jul 06, 2016
The Simpsons (Shorts): Good Night
Wednesday Jul 06, 2016
Wednesday Jul 06, 2016
Join Lily and Scott as they take a look back to a pivotal point in the history of television. A time when a successful producer returned to television and helped a talented British actress with her sketch comedy show by approaching a comic strip artist with the idea of creating some animated shorts. Those cartoons increased in popularity to the point hat they were spun-off into their own show, where they've been a household name for almost three decades: The Simpsons! Listen as they breakdown the very first Simpsons short ever to air on The Tracey Ullman Show entitled "Good Night"! They'll discuss the early history of The Simpsons, from Matt Groening's attempt to retain publishing rights to his other characters, and Dan Castellaneta's Walter Matthau-like voice for Homer, to the strange look of the characters and the reason the shorts were never given an official release. So take a trip back to April 19, 1987 and see where it all started! And don't let the bed bugs bite!
Please email us at hittingplayshow@gmail.com
Hitting Play on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/HittingPlay
Scott's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MCandFriends
Scott's Vine: http://www.vine.co/MCandFriends
Lily's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Lilipution22
Lily's YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/lilipution22
Lily's Website: http://www.lilianbunyea.com/
Shawn's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Weazel1978
Shawn's YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/3BMMC

Wednesday Jun 29, 2016
Quark: May The Source Be With You
Wednesday Jun 29, 2016
Wednesday Jun 29, 2016
Join Lily, Shawn, Scott, and special guest, Steve, as they subject themselves to a painful viewing of the short lived 70's sci-fi sitcom about a heroic space garbage man and his eccentric crew and their adventures in the 23rd century: "Quark"! Listen as they breakdown the first regular episode entitled "May The Source Be With You", a terribly written parody of Star Wars. They'll discuss the interesting cast, from the director of The Money Pit, Richard Benjamin, and the dad from Mork & Mindy, Conrad Janis, to the former Doublemint Twins, Cyb and Patricia Barnstable, and the, um, cerebral Allan Caillou. They'll talk lots about what made this show cheesy, offensive, and boring, and why Andy the Android is probably the crappiest robot in all of science fiction. Are the evil "Gorgons" simply people in purple clothes being led around in a giant head by Chevy Chase in a Darth Vader helmet? Why power a spaceship with a glowing egg in a lava room with a monster splashing around in a kiddie pool? Can a plant look like a man? Do gamma rays tickle? They tackle all of these questions and, sadly, many more! May the Source be with you!
Please email us at hittingplayshow@gmail.com
Hitting Play on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/HittingPlay
Scott's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MCandFriends
Scott's Vine: http://www.vine.co/MCandFriends
Lily's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Lilipution22
Lily's YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/lilipution22
Lily's Website: http://www.lilianbunyea.com/
Shawn's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Weazel1978
Shawn's YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/3BMMC

Wednesday Jun 22, 2016
You Can't Do That On Television: Pop Music
Wednesday Jun 22, 2016
Wednesday Jun 22, 2016
Join Shawn and Scott as they take a look back at a magical time in the history of Nickelodeon, back in the early 80's when a low budget Canadian sketch show for kids dared to defy convention, prompting many to say its title: "You Can't Do That On Television"! Listen as they break down the episode entitled "Pop Music", which most notably, was the television debut of a young Alanis Morrisette! They'll talk about Alanis' short run on the show, the history of the infamous green slime, and how it ended up becoming intertwined with Nickelodeon's identity as a network, how the longtime kid host, Christine McGlade, pretty much got the job accidentally, and how this show was heavily influenced by Monty Python's Flying Circus and Laugh In. So many sketches, so many that wouldn't be aired today! So relax in your dungeon, avoid saying "I don't know", and enjoy this slice of 80's nostalgia along with us! I heard that!
Please email us at hittingplayshow@gmail.com
Hitting Play on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/HittingPlay
Scott's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MCandFriends
Scott's Vine: http://www.vine.co/MCandFriends
Lily's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Lilipution22
Lily's YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/lilipution22
Lily's Website: http://www.lilianbunyea.com/
Shawn's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Weazel1978
Shawn's YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/The3BMMC

Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
Mystery Science Theater 3000: Parts: The Clonus Horror
Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
Join Lily, Shawn, Scott, and special guests Matt and Kevin as they discuss "Parts: The Clonus Horror", a hilarious episode of the great Mystery Science Theater 3000! Listen as they break down this ridiculous movie, scene by scene, including such moments as Richard the clone finding out the truth about Milwaukee, waking up with smoking trousers at the love barn, getting to meet his clone daddy, and so much more! They'll also discuss the wonderful host segments, mercifully breaking up the movie, featuring Mike Nelson and his robot pals Tom Servo and Crow! They'll talk about the makers of the film suing the makers of The Island, comments from the crew, and Matt talks about the Kickstarter for his independent comic book series, Catbeard the Pirate! So, sit back with a glass of orange liquid, count backwards from one hundred, and enjoy this giant sized episode of Hitting Play! Biography!
Help Matt Nelson get the fourth book of his comic series, Catbeard the Pirate, published! Generously support his Kickstarter, and receive some great stuff! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/86891268/catbeard-the-pirate-book-four-corsairs-and-catnip-0 (You can also just search "Catbeard" at Kickstarter.com)
Check out Matt's comic Catbeard the Pirate: http://www.catbeardthepirate.com/
Check out Matt's other work: http://mattnelsonart.tumblr.com/
Follow Matt on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/mattwnelson
Follow Kevin on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/OneWallCinema
Check out Kevin's work: http://www.onewallcinema.com/
Check out One Wall Cinema on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/k1posterchild
Bonus for Hitting Play listeners: Check out Kevin's riffs at https://gumroad.com/onewallcinema and save $1 on all items that cost $2 with coupon code: hittingplay
Please email us at hittingplayshow@gmail.com
Hitting Play on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/HittingPlay
Scott's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MCandFriends
Scott's Vine: http://www.vine.co/MCandFriends
Lily's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Lilipution22
Lily's YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/lilipution22
Lily's Website: http://www.lilianbunyea.com/
Shawn's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Weazel1978
Shawn's YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/3BMMC

Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
Round The Twist: Spaghetti Pig Out
Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
Join Shawn, Scott, and special guest Hamish, as they breakdown "Spaghetti Pig Out" a popular episode of the Australian children's television classic "Round The Twist"! Listen as they discuss the background of this show, from a series of short story books by author Paul Jennings to four seasons over eleven years on Australian television. They'll talk at length about the lighthouse-dwelling Twist family, outlandish moments from the series that could never be in an American made TV show, as well as the logistics and dangers of using a remote that can control reality. And of course they'll also discuss a bunch of differences between Australian and American culture. This one's a ton of fun, so finish your spaghetti, hit play on your remote, and enjoy the show!
Follow Hamish on Vine: http://www.vine.co/Silent-Hamish
Follow Hamish on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SilentHamish
Follow Hamish on Tumblr: http://www.silenthamishart.tumblr.com
Please email us at hittingplayshow@gmail.com
Hitting Play on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/HittingPlay
Scott's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MCandFriends
Scott's Vine: http://www.vine.co/MCandFriends
Lily's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Lilipution22
Lily's YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/lilipution22
Lily's Website: http://www.lillianbunyea.com/
Shawn's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Weazel1978
Shawn's YouTube http://www.youtube.com/3BMMC

Wednesday Jun 01, 2016
X-Men (1992): Come the Apocalypse
Wednesday Jun 01, 2016
Wednesday Jun 01, 2016
Join Scott and Hamish as they delve deep into the character of Apocalypse and break down the classic episode of the X-Men 1992 animated series entitled "Come the Apocalypse"! Listen as they discuss Apocalypse from his beginnings as Louise Simonson's leader of the "Alliance of Evil" in X-Factor #5 to his feature film debut in "X-Men: Apocalypse". They'll also review his four horsemen in their original forms, including the shocking transformation of Angel to Archangel in this episode, as well as the comic books. They'll also talk about the incredible anime intro that only aired in Japan (plus with some closing credits elsewhere), the ToyBiz line of action figures that was sometimes tied to the show, and a whole bunch of funny moments from the cartoon. And if that wasn't enough, Scott also plays a clip of an X-Men skit he recorded as a little kid. So put on your yellow spandex, leave Morph behind, and enjoy the show!
Follow Hamish on Vine: http://www.vine.co/Silent-Hamish
Follow Hamish on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SilentHamish
Follow Hamish on Tumblr: http://www.silenthamishart.tumblr.com
Please email us at hittingplayshow@gmail.com
Hitting Play on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/HittingPlay
Scott's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MCandFriends
Scott's Vine: http://www.vine.co/MCandFriends
Lily's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Lilipution22
Lily's YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/lilipution22
Lily's Website: http://www.lillainbunyea.com/
Shawn's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Weazel1978

Tuesday May 24, 2016
Galactica 1980: Galactica Discovers Earth
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Join Scott and Steve as they discuss the premiere episode of the short-lived reboot of the Battlestar Galactica franchise: "Galactica 1980"! Listen as they delve deep into the sordid details of this disastrous production, from over-inflated budgets and a writing staff rooting for the show's cancellation to dislike of child actors and a screenwriter who stayed thousands of miles away from the set. They'll also talk about the terrible three-episode story arc involving time warps, World War II, and a very distasteful flying motorcycle scene. Can you believe this thing was nominated for a primetime Emmy?! It was...for outstanding costume design! (That's right, the brown leather jackets were the true talent here.) So turn your vipers invisible, secure your language-tron translators, and laugh at this terrible show with us!
Please email us at hittingplayshow@gmail.com
Hitting Play on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/HittingPlay
Scott's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MCandFriends
Scott's Vine: http://www.vine.co/MCandFriends
Shawn's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Weazel1978
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